Celebrity Fit Club Update & Johnny Fairplay

Stop the presses!
Gary Busey has offered a sincere apology to the Snapple Lady, Wendy Kaufmann. This apology contained a moderate to high amount of contrition, a recounting of the mean things Busey said to her, and asking for forgiveness. This is a wonderful day for Reality TV. The Snapple Lady even forgave him!
This guy Johnny Fairplay is the manifestation of the boy who cried "wolf". He attained moderate success and his 15 minutes of fame by conning his Survivor [TM] rivals into believing that his beloved grandma died. That act, the bleached dreadlock-like hairdo, and his devil-may-give-a-rip attitude congeal to make him one of TV's most beloved reality figures.
Now he is on "Kill Reality", some sort of staged horror flick that various reality stars are picked for. He basically goes around sowing his oats and playing with the women on the show who are foolish enough to risk the dangers of "safe" sex with a reality star.
Underneath it all, I think this is the kind of guy that God really would like to forgive and bring into the kingdom, just to show that He can. I'd like to see that happen. Recently I saw evangelist Luis Palau with his newer converts Stephen Baldwin, brother of Alec, and formerly incarcerated skateboarding legend Christian Hosoi, who bested Tony Hawk a few times back in the 80's. I love seeing stuff like this because it is really encouraging. As a matter of fact I think a healthy percentage of former WWF/WWE wrestlers have had encounters with the Almighty.
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