Kudos to Larry

Larry King has had a terrific lineup as of late.

First last week he had a Purpose-Driven Rick Warren with the lady that was taken hostage by the guy who killed a court official and held her hostage before turning himself in as a result of a very purpose-driven conversation. This was great stuff. Rick was talking in very plain, postmodern friendly terms about Jesus and other subjects including his AIDS charity. This guy comes off so well, what a great role model for the rest of us. Hard to accuse someone of the latest buzzwords (hate, intolerance, any -ism or -obia that you can think of) when he donates his bestselling book's income to an AIDS charity. He is also genuine and extremely likeable.
Tracy Lindsey Melchior

This was also outstanding. You get a very attractive, well-spoken, and down to earth actress talking about her very difficult background and experiences. Obviously has been through major inner healing since she was able to talk about these things in a very transparent way.
I think Mr. King is a huge asset toward the faith community because he interviews people who are highly credible proponents of faith and Christianity as opposed to a lot of the other people that the media loves to hype, who just are not very good representatives, to put it nicely.
Thank you, Larry King.
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