Call to Renewal

I found an enjoyable page today off the recent Sojourners' Call to Renewal conference. Jim Wallis and his associates put together this conference on helping the poor and other things. What is impressive to me is that besides the usual left leaning speakers such as Obama, Clinton, etc, they also allowed right leaning senators to come also. This scores a point with me.
I'll go on record as stating my substantial reluctance to this particular group. Wallis' tv appearances have been conciliatory and even likable at times. Batstone is a different matter... I dislike most (unfortunately just about everything) of what I read of his.
I have no idea what sort of doctrinal statement the Sojourners have. I doubt they have one since many of their readers' comments seem to have no holistic understanding of scripture beyond the old testament prophets' writings. I can't explain how one can stand up for the poor while ignoring and perpetuating Margaret Sanger's systematic genocide of "undesired" racial groups via "family planning" and pregnancy termination. I cannot fathom how they could champion the rights of the poor without acknowledging those who don't own their own life, and then chide the rest of us on opposing various forms of infanticide as well as the issue of children doing best within a heterosexual family with a mother and a father. I want to believe the best for this group and their leaders and not be some sort of accuser, but it can be very difficult and you may think I crossed that line already.
Anyhow, 2 rather brave senators actually showed up and gave admirable speeches to the crowd, even drawing some applause. Kudos to senators Santorum & Brownback... that takes some bravery. Politics TV taped their 15 minute speeches and you may access them here. If you would prefer to listen to senators Clinton and Obama you can access them there as well.
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