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"As a person of faith, I believe that people who work hard and play by the rules should not be living in poverty.I ask that you vote in favor of legislation to raise the minimum wage to at least $7.25 an hour, and to oppose any "poison pill" provisions that would weaken existing minimum wage eligibility, overtime protections, or other labor laws. A job should keep you out of poverty, not in it! A raise in the minimum wage rewards work, and will lift countless families out of poverty.Thank you for your time."Uh... $7.25 / hour still sounds like poverty to me! It gets you about $14,500/year, vs. about $10,300/year.
Dear N,
Call representative your today at (202) 224-3121...
Demand an increase in the minimum wage to at least $7.25/hour
Last month when more than 600 Christians passionate about social justice came to Washington to demand an increase in the minimum wage as part of A Covenant for a New America, we knew good things were starting to happen.
So far this year, 192 House members have asked for a vote to raise the minimum wage to $7.25, and just two weeks after the Covenant launch, 28 Republicans urged their leadership to hold a vote to increase the minimum wage this month. We and countless others have put on so much pressure to demand fair wages that later today, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on an increase to the minimum wage.
After you call, forward this message to 10 friends who share your values.The vote could happen in the next several hours, so time is of the essence!
The latest New York Times/CBS poll finds that more than 85 percent of respondents supported raising the minimum wage over the next two years to $7.25 an hour from $5.15 an hour...
Peace and Blessings,
The Sojourners/Call to Renewal Policy and Organizing Team
Saw this letter to the editor from one Greg Turner. There may not be too much hope in his tone, but he puts the finger on the humanistic optimism that seems to characterize the rising Religious Left.
Jim Rice toes the usual Sojourners line with his idealistic dream of praying for more understanding leadership in the Middle East war. Jim - do you not understand that the fundamentalist Shiite Muslims seek to destroy Christian culture? We can pray until Armageddon and these people are NOT going to change. Benjamin Netanyahu noted that Shiite fundamentalists do not want money nor territory, but the total destruction of the West. Israel is indeed surrounded by many who seek to destroy them, and are thus justified in doing whatever necessary to keep the enemies at bay.
I believe in the Sojourners view on many social issues regarding poverty, immigration, etc. But this endless turn-the-other-cheek stance regarding the proper response to military and terrorist threats is completely self-defeating. Read your Old Testament, Mr. Rice. There is much there to illustrate the proper way to deal with unrepentant enemies.
I am detecting moderate "vision drift" for this blog. Originally intended as a place to discuss relating to persons outside the faith from a concilliatory viewpoint, recent discussions have centered around my mild angst with a certain magazine publisher.
The solution is to spawn other blogs with differing foci, thus enabling a self-indulgent ability to rant about things while doing it in the proper category. Look for more at some point in the future.