
Thursday, April 27, 2006 *

Been in Trouble with Da' Law...

Since the Day I Wuz Born

(From a comment I made recently to the Mont-ster Report blog)

Happy day of Silence! Yes, today or tomorrow is the day of silence for the still-out-of-mainstream GLBTA activists and possibly sympathizers.

I would have to identify myself as formerly in the group of sympathizers, starting in the late 80's and ending about 10 years ago or so, and really really ending after prayer-walking an equality forum in Philadelphia last year.

However I still support gay and straight people, but am no longer very susceptible to emotional or logical arguments that equate a identity with behavior. I support people's dignity while not necessarily supporting their behavior. I am against mocking gay people on sit-coms, but I do not support or ignore the political agendas of such groups. I certainly don't support heterosexual immorality either in society or my own life.

Having said all that, and possibly disqualifying myself from public office, the local youth groups had a "Day of Truth" today at school in response to the "Day of Silence".

Times have changed since I graduated from Danville High School in '93. Mainly Columbine & 911. I left home about 630 this morning to prayer walk the cemetary adjoining the school to back them up.

For some reason that cemetary is a great place to prayer walk and I go there 2 or 3 times a week. Anyhow towards the end of the event the cops evicted me from the premises.

There was a rumor of a school threat and I did have my binoculars out to check out the action (probably a bad fashion accessory per the cops).

But perhaps I can't blame the cop for ending my stated "prayer-walk". You see, the local paper has been sensationalizing the "Day of Silence" with letters to the editor, about 3-2 from evangelical people with largely horrible writing skills, SOME OF WHOM WROTE IN SHOUT-TEXT TO REALLY GET THEIR POINT ACROSS. In contrast, yesterday's paper had a well-reasoned, civil letter published. Unfortunately the author was the head of the school's Spectrum club.

After reading all those letters to the editor, I would have evicted me too. How could you be sure someone involved wasn't involved in some scheme when there are so many angry-sounding Christians around. The good intentions of these people - a few of whom I know as generally caring, Bible-believing folk - are completely obscured by a lack of tact at best or obvious fear and anger at worst. Fortunately there were a couple model letters but unfortunately they were probably lost in the overall fray.

I plan to contact the Episcopal church in town to secure permission to continue praying on their land as long as there isn't some sort of restriction on this.


God Help Me... I'm a Socially Conservative Republican!!!

You scored as Socially Conservative Republican. Social conservatives share a belief in traditional morality and social mores and the desire to preserve these in present day society, often through civil law or regulation. The government should use its influence in the public square to support traditional family values.

Socially Conservative Republican


Foreign Policy Hawk


New Democrat


Old School Democrat


Pro Business Republican






Well ain't this a kick in the head. My favorite part is the picture of Dubya in front of a cross with a purple hue. Ha Ha Ha.

Well hopefully this blog is an example of a reluctant conservative that communicates in an effective manner with others. I guess being raised in a small town sticks with you... The argument that the government should take care of me just doesn't hold water after you live in the big city and observe real life for awhile. Just doesn't fit in my grid.

Thanks Chris @ for the quiz link.


Rev. Coffin - A True Prophet?

I read this post on the Sojourners email today. It articulates many of my thoughts regarding the merits of Rev. Coffin who passed away last week.


Rev. Charles writes from Fort Collins, Colorado:

While it is great to remember these fine things about Bill Sloane Coffin, something tears at my heart. As a hero in the liberal church where I first learned about Jesus, I can't but wonder if all Rev. Coffin's actions will really impress our Lord. My liberal pastors lowered the person of Christ to a mere prophet and kept my fellow churchgoers from experiencing the uniqueness and power of God found in Christ. The social activism of our church seemed impressive but their was no undergirding of the Holy Spirit and we were left with a liberal activist legalism - energised more by the newspaper than God's word and strength. Legalism is hardly motivating and thus while there was big talk about engaging the world, there was little money to pay either the mortgage or the pastor. Hostilitity to my powerful conversion experience eventially forced me out of my home church. Sadly most of the kids in my youth group ended up turning their back on Christ entirely.


Ouch! Rev. Charles has hit rather close to home here. What a poignant indictment of the religious left from the inside. I listened to his obit on NPR and the news last week and he sounded like a great guy. And I'm sure he certainly was. But I got a red flag when they started mentioning Riverside Church in NYC, since that is usually a tip-off. Bill Moyers' affiliation with the organization hurt his standing with me after I googled the connection down.

Lord? Lord?

Here is some more info.
n 1979, he was one of four prominent clergymen allowed by the new fundamentalist regime in Iran to visit Americans taken hostage from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. He visited the hostages in December, singing carols and praying, and then returned to the United States to criticize the nation's "past sins" in Iran. This brought him much vilification for being soft on Iran's mullahs.

Singing Carols? Christian Carols? That's pretty tolerant and civil of the Iranians!


A handful at Riverside Church believed his globe-trotting and social-advocacy commitments distracted from his pastoral and administrative duties, but the Rev. Coffin saw no conflict.

"Every minister is given two roles: the priestly and the prophetic," he said. "The prophetic role is the disturber of the peace, to bring the minister himself, the congregation and entire social order under some judgment. If one plays a prophetic role, it's going to mitigate against his priestly role. There are going to be those who will hate him."

What happened to the "testimony of Jesus" as the spirit of prophecy?

Now for something really bizarre!

He studied piano with French composer and teacher Nadia Boulanger and briefly attended Yale's music school before serving in the Army during World War II. Because of his proficiency with languages, he was a liaison officer with the French and Soviet armies.

The Rev. Coffin previously was married to Eva Rubinstein, daughter of pianist Arthur Rubinstein, and to Harriet Gibney. Both marriages ended in divorce.


What is it about us concert pianists? I guess he's alright! He certainly would have been a formidable pianist as a Boulanger student & having Rubenstein as his dad!

Go figure

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 *

PodCasting is Fun.

Thank you,! for making podcasting super easy and fun.

I designed the website for the church I have attended while completing my MSIT degree this past year. You can look at It is basic, but gives me experience integrating media into a church site.

The BrookPod site was easily created in current form in about 90 minutes. A great way to feature input from people in church who are normally stuck behind a computer or soundboard.

More to come.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 *

No More Checking for Updates!!!

Beginning today, all CBB blog addicts can SUBSCRIBE to the blog using the easy and attractive Orange Button on the panel to your right. This is an RSS feed (really simple syndication) that will eliminate the tedious typing "" that you used to have to do. Now you just click the button and you will be able to get easy updates without having to check back all the time. Just do it and you'll see how it works if you don't already know.

2. Also I am detecting moderate "vision drift" for this blog. Originally intended as a place to discuss relating to persons outside the faith from a concilliatory viewpoint, recent discussions have centered around my mild angst with a certain magazine publisher.

3. The solution is to spawn other blogs with differing foci, thus enabling a self-indulgent ability to rant about things while doing it in the proper category. Look for more at some point in the future.