
Monday, January 16, 2006 *

Happy New Year

Happy 2006 everyone, sorry for not writing much. Many things on the plate. Pat Robertson manages to keep himself in the news regularly since my last commentary, first in a response to the Dover, PA school board and more recently regarding the possible reasons behind Ariel Sharon's health situation.

The position of the CCB blogmaster is twofold regarding this:

1. I am tiring of newsmedia people putting this stuff in lieu of real news. Religious figureheads are very easy to roast, I'm getting weary of it. So if someone has a view that is expressed tactlessly in or out of context, then that apparently means that I need to have the contrary view or I am perhaps a bigot also. Somewhat of a manipulative stand by the media overall. Go find some real news!

2. What if Robertson's view happens to coincide with the view of the omnipotent ruler of the universe? That would be a bit uncomfortable indeed.